Minggu, 13 Februari 2011


Pornography, a word that can make you think about a thing that can make you want to fulfill your desire of porn. Pornography is a portal explicit sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual excitement and satisfaction of sexuality. It use by any variety media like books, magazines, photos, painting, even in cartoon. Pornography can make you addicted.

There are many ways to avoid an early age pornography. First, fill your life with many activities, so you couldn't related with pornography. Second, try to not to be alone, so you can get conversation with somebody and remove porn thoughts. Third, look at yourself in the mirror, and tell to yourself not to be related with pornography, because you're better than that.

So, don't get related with pornography and avoid it. because, it can damage morale of young people and young peoples are the successor of the country with their positive thoughts.

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